For the collectors and the purists of the brand Mokarex, it is necessary to know that the very first version of 1960 is recognizable by two distinctions:
- Under the base is engraved: Jeu d'échecs - Mokarex - Deposé
- The series of the "blacks" is of golden color.

Afterward the gold becomes golden. Then a try consisting in welding kings and queens is unsuccessfully launched. They do not moreover exist in golden version. We count this day 6 versions under the brand Mokarex.

On the opposite picture, it is very likely that the last 3 versions were produced by a third company as Bret'hist ( first buyer) or other. It is not the real logo Mokarex which we find but rather a very craft work, of which a logo in mirror. Bases are very irregular. Bret'hist afterward has no inscription under the base. The fact remains that figures arise from molds of origin.

Two chessboards will be produced, the plastic first one and in two parts and second cardboard way board game.
1st set of the 60s
2nd set of the 70s
To the left, the very first version of the
chess game Mokarex
The versions with the welded base