001 - Pioneer of 6th
Reg. Parade Paris 1984
002 - Legionnaire of
1st BEP
Indochina 1950
002b - Legionnaire of
2nd REI
Peacekeeper 1993
003 - Grenadier of the Foreign Regiment Mexico1863
004 - Sergeant 2nd Saharan Company
North Africa 1956
004b - Squadron of the Black sheep
005 - Corporal 2nd Bat.
of the 13th DBLE
Bir Hakeim 1942
006 - Foreign Brigade Fusilier
Crimea 1855
007 - Legionnaire of RMLE
Champagne 1917
008 - Lieutenant of
2nd REP
Kolwezi 1978
009 - Fusilier of the
1st LE - 1831
010 - Master Corporal of RMLE
WW II 1944-45
011 - Sergent-major of foreign Regt. 1871
012 - Drum of the 3rd
REI - Fez 1931
013 - 2nd BR Legionnaire
Tonkin 1883
014- 2nd Divisional BCR Warrant Officer
Gulf war 1991
015 - Captain of 1st REC
Morocco 1925
016 - 1st BR
Lieutenant Colonel
Sidi Bel-Abbés 1960
017 - 2nd REP 12.7 mm FR Sniper
Central Europe 1990
018 - 2nd Foreigner Lance Corporal
Morocco 1910
019 - 13th DBMLE Skier Scout
Norway 1940
020 - Lt flag-bearer of the RMLE
WW I - 1915
021 - 1st REG Dinops Diver - 1999
022 - 2nd Foreign Legion Corporal-Rifleman
Swiss Legion - 1855
024 - Legionnaire 1st REG Minesweeper
023 - Captain of 3rd
REI (in full dressn°1)
025 - Captain ofu
2nd RE
Tonkin 1900-1914
026 - Legionnaire of Cies. Saharan Litters 2004
027- 2nd REG Scout Sergeant - 2004
028 - 1st and 2nd BR Legionnaire
N. Africa 1900-1914
029 - Leg. of 3rd REI (current service dress) Kourou 2004
030 - Cpl. of Cie indochinese of para.
Indochina 1954
031 - 2nd REP Operational Drop - 2004
032 - Capt. of Gren. of the Former Legion
Spain 1835
033 - Capt-Chief of the 3rd ISR Sapper Pioneer Coy 1931 - 1939
034 - Sgt. Legion March Battalion
Madagascar 1895-1901
035 - CPL of 4th Foreigner
Morocco 1820 - 1834
036 - Second ISR AT4 Shooter Legionnaire
037 - BR Squadron Brigadier
Mexico 1866-1867
038 - 4th DBLE Legionnaire
Senegal 1942
039 - Legionnaire MLE fife player - 1993
040 - 1st REC Warrant Officer, 5th DB
041 - 3rd REI CEFE Instructor
Guyana Year 90
042 - Lieutenant of
2nd BR
El Moungar 1903
043 - 5th ISR Bugler Corporal
044 - General Rollet Inspector of the Legion
045 - Sergeant of mounted companies
046 - Legionnaire of RMVE with FM24-29
047 - 1st and 2nd BR Legionnaire
Algeria 1840-1851
048 - Legionnaire
shooter Minimi - 2003
049 - Legionnaire of the 13th DBLE - 1942
050 - Veteran of the Foreign Legion -2006
051 - Colonel of the 2nd Foreigner
052 - 1st and 2nd REP Legionnaire
Algeria 1961
053 - Third ISR 258th Coy Gunner
Indochina 1951
054 - Lt flag-bearer of the 13th DBLE
France 1945
055 - GRD Legionnaire 97 - 1940
143 - Legionnaire FELIN of the 2nd REI
144 - Lég. of the 1st REG Assault Group
145 - 2nd REP Parachute Commando -2006
146 - 13th DBLE Squadron Bugle - 1999
147 - CEFE Training Warrant Officer
148 - DLEM Inf. Coy Legionnaire -2000
149 - 2nd REG Skier Scout - 2001
150 - NRBC Instructor
135 - Leg. mounted squadron rider
Mexico 1864
136 - Brigadier of the 1st REC - 1925
137 - 2nd BR Corporal
138 - Timbalier of the
1st REC - 1937
139 - 2nd REP Section Head -2007
140 - Legionnaire of the BMLEM
Madagascar - 1901
141 - Legionnaire of
the 4th DBLE (FFL)
Senegal 1940 (1941)
142 - 2nd REG Staff Sergeant URH - 2009
127 - 3rd ISR Rifle Gunner (FM 24-29) 1930
128 - Sniper
of the 2nd REP
Zaire 1978
129 - Leg. of the Common Repository (REC) Algeria 1920
130 - Nurse Parachutist - 2008
131 - Legionnaire of the 13th DBLE - 2002
132 - 2nd Foreign Regiment Corporal
133 - 3rd ISR Legionnaire - 2008
134 - Lt du Bat. of the 2nd Foreign Legion tirailleurs 1855
121 - 13th DBLE Warrant Officer
120 - Legionnaire shooter MILAN, 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment
Afghanistan 2008
126 - Music Drum Sergeant - 2001
122 - Legionnaire of the
1st Battalion, 1st BR
124 - Pioneer of the
14 July - 1998
125 - Foreign Regiment Voltigeur
119 - ATHLEG Cross Team Legionnaire 2000
123 - Lieutenant of the Mounted Company
111 - Brigadier Chief
of 1 REC - 1983
113 - 2nd ISR Sniper 2007
095 - 2nd Foreign Regiment Colonel
110 - Master Corporal
of CPLE - 1955
109 - Leg. with exercise outfit Thailand 1938
118 - 2nd REP Flag Bearer - 1978
108 - Vietnamese Tirailleur of the 4th bat. of the 2nd REI - 1952
107 - 2nd BR Grenadier Sergeant
117 - Sergeant of the
Sahara 1956
116 - Legionnaire serving 6th REG flamethrower - 1984
115 - Lt. 4th ISR Power Pack
Morocco 1932
114 - Corporal of
the 2nd CIPLE
Indochina 1953
106 - 4th ISR Sapper-Pioneer Corporal
105 - 2nd BR 1st Class Legionnaire -1900
104 - 11th ISR Legionnaire - 1939
112 - Legionnaire of
the 13th DBMLE
Bjervik - Norway 1940
103 - 5th ISR 1st Class Legionnaire - 1936
079 - Captain of the
1st RE - 1845
096 - Captain of the
22nd RMVE -1940
085 - 1st REC Motorized Squadron Legionnaire - 1929
084 - Captain of the Foreign Regiment
083 - Sergeant of the
1st BEP - 1949
082 - Legionnaire of the 2nd REP - 1969
081 - 1st RMA March Battalion Sgt
080 - Legion Canteen- 1855
094 - 1st Foreign Regiment Corporal
093 - Legionnaire in colonial dress
092 - Corporal of the
4th RE - 1924
091 - 13th DBLEG Battalion Chief
090 - 2nd Reg. Foreign Battalion Leader
089 - Sergeant 3rd Bat. Reg. March
102 - Foreign Legion Corporal -1881
101 - Captain of the
2nd BEP - 1953
100 - 2nd Foreign Regiment Voltigeur
099 - Legionnaire of the 13th DBMLE - 1940
098 - Foreign Legion Corporal - 1875
097 - 1st REC Home Marshal -1925
088 - Saharan Battery Sergeant
Sahara 1940
087 - Second Lieutenant of the Legion - 1880
086 - Leg. CSP (Cie of sapper pioneer) - 1925
071 - Legionnaire of the Former Legion
070 - Capt. Danjou’s Hand Bearer -2006
069 - Legionnaire of the Common Repository
068 - 4th BR Non-commissioned Officer 1979
067 - 2nd REP Parachutist - 2005
066 - Fusilier of the Regent.de Hohenlohe
065 - 3rd BCR Officer
in Gala Attire

064 - Sub-lt of the 2nd Foreign Legion
078 - Second Lieutenant of the Foreign Legion
077 - 2nd RM/2nd BR Legionnaire
Souain Sept. 1915
076 - 1st REC Armoured Vehicle Pilot
075 - 3rd ISR Battalion Chief - 2004
074 - Chinese hat of the MLE
Sidi Bel-Abbés 1935
073 - Grenadier of the 2nd Foreign Legion
072 - Timbalier of the
1st REC - 1939
063 - Lt-Colonel of the Garibaldian Legion
France 1914-1918
056 - 4th BR Officer
057 - BR Warrant Officer Major
Mexico 1863
062 - Brigadier of the
1st REC
Tunisia 1935
061 - Drum of the
2nd Foreigner
Italy 1859
060 - 2nd ISR Legionnaire
Kosovo 2001
059 - Chief Warrant Officer of the 2nd BCR
Indochina 1950
058 - MLE Drum Major 2005
The Foreign Legion
Title: Soldats de la Légion Etrangère (Soldiers of the Foreign Legion)
Publishing years: September 2004 at August 2009
Publishing: Bi-mensuel
Number of parts: 150 (80+20+30+20)

Total count collection: 1609,05 €

Figurines: 54mm
Manufacture: King & Country
Country of manufacturer: China

- Legionnaire of 2nd REI Peacekeeper 1993
-Legendary Ace of the Sky - USMC "Black Sheep Squadron - WWII
- Common Repository Legionnaire (#129)
- Poster of the "Legionnaire's Code of Honour"

Other country: None
Observation: A numbered "collector's certificate" is issued for each collection.
Legionnaire of the common deposit , coat coat colour differ, khaki green.
Offered with Booklet 150 to subscribers to thank them for their loyalty.