History of the cavalry
001 - Musketeer of
Louis XIV
002 - Spahi from North Africa around 1900
003 - Frederick II Prussian Cavalry - 1757
004 - S/Off. 18th Reg. Lancers of Bengal 1888
005 - Rider of Thessaly
v. 33 BC
006 - French Cavalry
in Yorktown - 1781
007 - Polish Hussard Siege
of Vienna - 1683
008 - Gallic Warrior III and II Century BC
009 - Chinese Knight in Armor 3rd Century
010 - Trumpet 7th Uhlans 1855
011 - German rider WWII
012 - Light Brigade English Rider
013 - S/Lt of the cavalry regiment of Savoy - 1915
014 - Turenne
Battle of the Dunes - 1658
015 - Prince Rupert 1642
016 - British Cavalry
"The last act"
017 - Dragon of Louis XV 1730
025 - Duke of Malborough Battle of Blenheim - 1704
026 - Hunter of Africa circa 1850
024 - French gendarme 15th century
023 - Afghan Tribal Warrior 1600
022 - Confederate cavalry captain 1862
021 - Cuirassier Magdebourg 1870
020 - Assyrian Rider
900 BC
019 - Dragon of Pierre
le Grand
018 - Roman officer
100c before. J-C
027 - Sergeant of the Foreign Legion Cavalry in 1930
028 - Frederic-Henri II
d' Orange
029 - Cavalier Yeomen circa 1538
054 - Sergeant Light Cavalry Australia - 1917
053 - Prince Eugène de Savoie
052 - S/Off. Dragon of Hanovre - 1871-1888
051 - Mameluk, spahi Cav. Ottoman around 1750 in Egypt
055 - The marquis of Montcalm (1712-1759)
035 - Horseman of the Neapolitan Guard
034 - Free Lancer
033 - Gustave II Adolphe in 1632
032 - Officer Light Dragoons 1781
031 - Infantryman mounted Arab army
030 - Dragon of Cuera 1700
042 - The Doge Francesco Morosini
041 - 10th Dragon Regiment Corporal
040 - Spanish Knight
circa 1540
039 - Sergeant of the
1st Cavalry - 1872
038 - Officier Royal
Horse Guards
037 - French army horse dragon in 1916
048 - Cavalry of the parliament - Cromwell 1645 to 1660
047 - Line Rider, from the "Nice" Regiment - 1844
046 - Rider of the 16th
Polish Lancer - 1939
045 - Lance Corporal Hussard
044 - Bowman scythe
043 - General Joachin Vara del Rey
036 - Iberian Horseman
in Cannes
049 - Duc d'Albe on horse
050 - Athenian Horseman about 450 BC
079 - General Valentine Baker Pacha
075 - Offizierstellvertreter 14th Hussars Regiment 1914
080 - 12e Reg. of Hussards (Ingermanland) 1854
078 - Ukrainian Cossack of the Russian cavalry around 1700
072 - 2nd United States Reg. of Cavalry - 1918
064 - 2nd Dragons of King George II's Cavalry - 1748
071 - Volunteer of the French light cavalry 1756 to 1763
073 - Soldier of the 16th Tver Dragon Regiment
1915 to 1917
074 - Italian Lancer of the 1890s
077 - Japanese Shogun rider Tokugaw at Ieyasu - 16th century
068 - Grenadier of the Dragon Regiment
065 - Imperial Cuirassier Lützen - 1618
067 - Border reivers
076 - Horse bodyguard of the Fauj-i-khas with Katana - 1838
066 - Rider of the "cent-gardes" 1870
063 - Trumpet Odryse of the Thracian cavalry, 400 BC
062 - Austrian Cuirassier of the Stampach Regiment
061 - Off. Soviet Cossacks of Kouban, 1942-1945
060 - 1st British Lancers in Sudan - 1898
059 - Hungarian Hussard of Esterhazy - 1756
058 - Northern Rider 1861-1865
057 - Constantine Guards 236-565 AD
056 - Gaucho - Legion Infernal 1814
069 - Hussard of Arlaban 1834 à 1839
070 - Persian Horseman, 6th century BC
Titre: L'histoire de la Cavalerie (Cavalry Story)
Publishing years: June 2008
Publishing: Bi-weekly

Number of parts: 80

Total count collection:Unknown

Figurines: 54mm
Country manufacture: China

Present: Unknown

Code CBHxxx

Other country: France